The coastal terminals in Civitavecchia.
Mobility, airport and maritime traffic with the logistics system and terminals of Civitavecchia.
Sodeco, a company of the Ludoil Group, operates through an integrated logistics system located in Civitavecchia that, for its total storage capacity of more than 400,000 cubic meters, is among the largest in Italy. The logistics system is made up of four own storage terminals and several oil pipelines that connect the sorting areas both with the offshore oil platform and with Rome Fiumicino International Airport. Moreover, Sodeco manages one of the most important Bunker Terminals in the Mediterranean, with a concession area of about 2,000 sqm close to the docks no. 22 and 23 of the Port of Civitavecchia.
White oils storage and biofuel blends.
Supply bunker of oil products, for a third party, on cargo ships, ferries and cruise ships.
Tanker cargo loading of oil products stored in storage tanks.
Storage and distribution, by pipeline and for a third party, of Jet A-1 and SAF for the aircraft supply.
Oil terminal Sodeco 1
The oil terminal Sodeco 1 is a crucial hub for the entire logistics system of Civitavecchia. It receives petrol and diesel from the offshore platform, located in the roadstead of Civitavecchia, through a 12-inch pipeline more than 4 km long. It is also connected to the terminal Sodeco 2 through two other lines of 8 and 12-inch pipelines for two-way transfers.
The oil terminal stores and transports petrol and diesel through 12 tanks. The oil products are loaded from the tankers at a platform with eight top loading bays, which are managed by an automated system.

Oil terminal Sodeco 2
The oil terminal Sodeco 2 is connected both to the offshore platform - from which it receives petrol and diesel - and to the oil terminal Sodeco 1 for two-way transfers.
The main activities of the terminal include the loading/unloading of fuel oils (OCD - ATZ and BTZ) and biodiesel, a fuel obtained from renewable sources. Indeed, Sodeco has been certified by SGS Italia for the intermediation and marketing of alternative fuels.
Moreover, Sodeco provides, through this oil terminal, bunkering service in the Port of Civitavecchia by loading fuel oils and diesel on barges docked at the quay no. 22 and 23 of the Bunker Terminal. These operations are possible through three dedicated 6, 8 and 10 inch pipeline lines.

Oil terminal Sodeco 3
The oil terminal Sodeco 3 receives the heads and tails of the liquid oil product (kerosene, jet fuel) from the offshore platform. The products are stored in two dedicated tanks.
After the reception and storage phase, the Jet A-1 is transferred via pipeline to the oil terminal Sodeco 4, in charge of the shipment to Rome Fiumicino Airport.
Two other tanks of the terminal, instead, are destined for the reception of the waste water coming both from the same and from the other Sodeco oil terminal. The industrial waste water is purified and discharged into surface water bodies in a dedicated tank, having obtained the Single Environmental Authorization (SEA) No.12719 of February 8, 2018, which includes all permits for the treatment and removal of contaminants from organic and inorganic pollutants.

Oil terminal Sodeco 4
The oil terminal Sodeco 4 is dedicated to the storage and handling of Aviation Fuel Jet A-1 and SAF (Sustainable Aviation Fuel) for airports, oil and air companies, in accordance with the recommendations by JIG 1530 standards on aviation fuel quality and related operating procedures.
The oil terminal is connected by a 12-inch pipeline and about 63 km to the Pantano di Grano Terminal, a hub for the sorting of aviation fuels for the Rome Fiumicino International Airport, the largest in Italy and the third in Europe.
Currently, through this oil pipeline - identified as a strategic national asset - it provides over half of the requirements of Fiumicino Airport.

Other logistics assets