The Sustainability Leaders Summit, organized by L’Espresso, is a significant event providing a platform for stakeholders involved in the ecological transition of the country to exchange ideas, enabling them to discuss the achieved results and paths taken in the field of sustainability
The meeting was held at the Grand Hotel et de Milan, bringing together representatives from Italian institutions and companies. Among the sustainability leaders was Ludoil, which presented the Group's objectives and green projects initiated to redefine the core business in line with the principles of the circular economy. Investments in new energy vectors, energy efficiency, and the revamping of infrastructure were just a few of the focal points discussed during the conference.
We are investing approximately half a billion in green projects that fully comply with the European taxonomy and the technical criteria defined in the Delegated Act on Climate, with particular attention to mitigating climate change and promoting the transition to a circular economy. We have also initiated a reporting process using the international GRI standards to measure our impacts in terms of sustainability, in the triple dimension of ESG.